Welcome to abatLearning


About Us

The world is evolving rapidly and the only thing which is constant in this information age is change. It is well known that the main driver of this exponential development rate is information technology (IT). These changes bring about the need to update and increase the professional knowledge of business users, consultants and future IT consultants. So, welcome to abatLearning.

abatLearning starts at MEXabat, a professional service provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions; working with customers in the automotive and logistics sector for the last 20 years, gives abatlearning a common vocabulary, and a shared understanding of their business.

Upcoming Courses

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FAQs page

Our Frequently Asked Questions page allows you to find the questions that are most commonly asked surrounding our courses, company and payment process.

Support team

In case you have any problems or questions, our support team will be more than happy to help you, providing you with an answer in less than 24 hours.

Why abatLearning?

Learn from the experts

Our instructors are constantly seeking to acquire and apply new information and knowledge, all reflected in commitment to learning

User-friendly learning platform

Apply what you learn with self-paced quizzes, easy-to-understand tutorials and hands-on projects

Confirmation of Participation

You are qualified for a graded Confirmation of Participation, if you work through at least 50% of the learning material of a course

Meet our Teachers



In today’s knowledge economy, it is not enough for professionals to possess certain competencies. To succeed, they must be able to develop new competitive advantages through continuous learning to meet changing market conditions and client needs.

In abatLearning we offer you our professional team of instructors, who over the years have gained critical knowledge of the business processes, procedures, and practices that are essential to keep a competitive advantage.

Thereby, it has to be emphasized that knowledge is of a major importance for an organization’s operation, particularly when it serves as the foundation for organizational success.

Mary Carmen Varela
Finance Consultant
Fernando Aguilar
Production Planning Consultant
Efrain Arellano
Materials Management Consultant
Paola Parra
Process Consultant

What Students Say

